Chris Allard Registered Massage Therapist
My name is Chris, and my pronouns are he/him/they/them. I’m a Registered Massage Therapist practicing for 25+ years. Prior to that I worked in both the restaurant industry and social work field, and completed an undergraduate degree in psychology. A graduate of the Canadian College of Massage & Hydrotherapy in Toronto (1998), I feel very fortunate to have found immense satisfaction in my chosen career. I have a diverse client-base with an approach that honours and respects all bodies.
At the root of all my work is the belief that kind, compassionate and safe touch can help heal physical and emotional pains, both individually and within our communities. By helping you feel safe to be yourself, massage therapy can be used to help you reconnect with your body in a controlled and safe way, easing your pains and tension in the process. To do this, I combine advanced clinical and holistic techniques, practice active consent throughout treatment, and work through a trauma-informed lens.
My massage practice is dedicated to providing an inclusive space for 2SLGBTQ+ people within an anti-racist / anti-oppressive framework. I work to create an inclusive, trauma-informed and safe clinical environment for people to access massage therapy, to feel they can be themselves and share the story of their bodies honestly and safely. Although I specialize in working with members of the LGBTQ+ community, everyone is welcome within my clinic space as long as they are kind and respectful. As an RMT, I seek to deliver the highest quality treatment for a diverse range of needs – customizing my approach to suit each individual while fostering a safe and comfortable environment. I am committed to lifelong learning in regards to the systemic issues that contribute to stress and its impact on individual wellbeing. I strive to create an experience grounded in support, equality and respect.
My education, knowledge and hands-on experience allow me to address a variety of health concerns ranging from: chronic or acute injuries, post- surgery healing/scar care, muscle tension, pain/discomfort, headaches/migraines, repetitive movement strains, physical & emotional stressors, pre- and post-natal massage, and general relaxation. Also provided are: General Swedish Massage, Myo-fascial Release Therapy (connective tissue work), Therapeutic Taping, Trigger Point Release, Hot Stone and Cupping Massage. I have also taken courses in pelvic health for clinical settings (an intro course followed by another specific to trans & gender diverse needs).
I love assisting each client in understanding what is going on with their body and how they can take action to improve their health. I am available for appointments in Guelph every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at the Chancellors Way Medical Arts Centre (located near the corner of Stone and Edinburgh Roads). I am also accepting bookings in Hamilton at North End Massage Therapy on James St North Friday through Monday.
Treatments can vary depending on need – ranging from singular sessions, regular maintenance as well as multi-session specialized treatment plans. I’m very proud to be a long term healthcare provider in many clients lives, having supported them through all different stages of their lives and transitions.
Outside of my practice, I’m a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, enjoy dog-walks, nature and music.
Book today to begin your journey towards improved health and functionality within a safe and affirming space.

Meet Our Team
The team at CareWell Health Group comes together to bring you the best in collaborative care. We are a multidisciplinary clinic focused on delivering care that is patient-centred. Patient-centred care is when the patient has an active role in clinical decisions and how the treatment is delivered. In this healthcare model, care is respectful of patient preferences, needs, and values.

Khushboo Shah

Manoj Idnani

Chris Allard

Sangeetha Devi